Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT)
Provides a quick, reliable index of intellectual ability in children age 4 through adults.
Widely used in schools and clinics by many different facilitators.
Tests 6 different cognitive domains: general information (GI), comprehension(CO), quantitative(QN), similarities and differences(SD), vocabulary(VO), auditory memory(AM).
Does not penalize individuals who are: extra careful, methodical, fearful, easily upset under the pressure of speed, poorly motivated, uncooperative, misunderstanding the importance of the task at hand, or have reading handicaps.
Can be used for students who are visually impaired or blind.
Scoring is done simultaneously with the administration of the test.
Must have an education degree to purchase
This test can be completed and scored quickly, 10-20 minutes.
There is a wide age range of people for which this test can be administered.
There is a wide range of education and physiological professionals who can administer this test.

Slosson Oral Reading Test (SORT)
Assess the level of oral word recognition, word calling or reading level.
Quick screening test to determine a student’s reading level.
Quick: 3-5 minute test
High reliability
Good sampling of test items
Test specific for oral reading
Used in concurrently with SIT, Passage Comprehension from the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement and Reading Comprehension from the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement
Does not measure word knowledge and comprehension
Only oral reading can be measured
Large differences exist in student’s geographical location, occupational status level and age levels.
Preschool-adult age test
Screening instrument, assess progress, determine a student’s grade level for reading and determine if further diagnostic assessment is needed.
Basic Reading Inventory (BRI)
BRI determines a student's instructional and independent reading levels, rate, accuracy and prosody.
Easy to use
Includes all of the tools teachers need to assess, interpret, and develop responsive reading instruction
Graded levels from beginner to grade 12.

All test forms given may not exactly line up with all students learning levels
Time consuming to administer

Students can lose focus
Passages, word lists, and early literacy assessments for all students pre-primer to high school
Covers a wide range of students reading abilities
Easy to use and interpret, it’s an all in one format

Wepman's Auditory Discrimination Test (WADT)

Quickly identifies children who are slower than average in developing auditory discrimination and who may have trouble learning to read
Quick: 5 minute test
Identifies difficulties in phonemes

Must be level B certified to administer the test
Not appropriate for all ages
Ages 4-8
Best for English language learners
Can be administered at half year intervals for baseline and track progress
Examiner reads the pairs of words aloud
Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills, 3rd Edition

Process Assessment of the Learner – 2nd Edition (PAL-II)

Determine a child's visual perceptual strengths and weaknesses.
There are 16 plates for each perceptual area; each is normed separately so that you can reliably differentiate the various visual perceptual processes.

Comprehensive evidence-based assessment-intervention system in reading, writing, and math

The new third edition covers all of the ages that were previously served by two earlier versions: TVPS-R and TVPS(UL)-R.
Designed for use by occupational therapists, psychologists, education diagnosticians, developmental optometrists, learning specialists, and other assessment professionals
Responses are made vocally or by pointing, which is ideal for children who may have motor, speech, hearing, neurological, or cognitive impairments
10-20 minutes

Individual and school wide screening
Covers reading, writing and math
Assessment and intervention tool
RTI for levels 1,2, and 3.
Paper and pencil
Administrator must be Qualified Level B
Very expensive
Handscored format

Manual scoring
Completion time varies dependent on selection of subtests
Recommended 1 hour webinar for test administrator
Paper and pencil
TVPS-3 uses black and white designs as stimuli for all of the perceptual tasks arranged in a developmental progression
Age range 4 to 13 years and UL (12-18 years)

K-6 grade
PAL-II is a research-based assessment and intervention tool based on NICHD (reading and writing) and US Department of Education (math) funded research completed by the author.
The measures are organized by three tiers: Prevention, Problem Solving and Diagnosis

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